Thursday, November 15, 2007

My Psalm

We are the stiff and firm trees.
God is the bendable blades of grass.
We put ourselves first.
We think of ourselves as the stiff and firm trees.
We put Him second after ourselves.
But we fall and make mistakes.
The trees will fall over and crack when the wind blows.
But the grass will only bend when the wind blows.
God never falls.
God never make mistakes.

(The assignment was to use at least two symbols in a "psalm.")

Our Family Table

Our family table means a lot to me and my family. When we're seated at it for mealtimes, we talk, argue, laugh and pray about things. And of course we eat there. Also we do our schoolwork on it. If we didn't have it, I wouldn't have a place to do my workbooks, my math or my writing. My favorite thing to do at it is family time. We play board games like Uno, Catch Phrase, Clue and Monopoly, and on that table we make all kinds of crafts. During Bible Study we learn about the stories of the Bible and Jesus. And that's the story of our family table.

(The assignment was to choose a symbol and explain its many meanings.)